Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is Portland Means Progress?

Portland Means Progress is a is a city-wide initiative that opened with early adopters in March 2019. It calls on businesses to take actions to hire local students, connect with businesses owned by people of color, and/or create a healthier company culture. The goal is to connect businesses to existing programming that supports social impact, creating a pipeline for private-sector engagement.

Portland Means Progress grew out of discussions among the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) about how to solve the significant prosperity divide in our community and how to engage private sector leaders in bridging those gaps.

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What is the Early Adopter Phase for Portland Means Progress?

In March 2019, Portland Means Progress began with a core group of businesses as early adopters to build out the initiative thoughtfully before opening to the larger business community. The Early Adopter Phase included the creation and implementation of a Community Vetting Process to inform the initiative’s development with community input. A small subset of the early adopter businesses supported developing the infrastructure for each action. You can learn more about the Early Adopter Businesses on the About Us page. Portland Means Progress opened city-wide in 2020.

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How can I engage with Portland Means Progress?

Join us! Sign up here.

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How is this different from the TechTown Diversity Pledge?

Portland Means Progress is open to businesses in the City of Portland from any industry, while the TechTown Diversity Pledge is specifically focused on diversifying the technology industry. While the 5 pledge actions in the TechTown Diversity Pledge align with those in Portland Means Progress, they are not exactly the same. We encourage tech companies to consider joining both initiatives. Learn more about TechTown Portland »

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Why does the program lead with race instead of focusing on other underrepresented groups?

  • Race is consistently the indicator of greatest disparity in our city.
  • Race may be ignored as a factor if not intentionally addressed.
  • Our economy is built on a racist past (slavery, Native American genocide, and racial exclusion)

The term “leading with race” does not mean “only race.” It is a practice of starting with a racial equity analysis, inclusive of analysis of other marginalized groups, in order to understand how race dynamics impact outcomes. When we lead with race, we are prioritizing racial justice, while finding models and systems we can use to address other forms of oppression and intersectionality.

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How were the three actions identified? Will new actions be included?

The Council of Economic Advisors identified the initial actions of Portland Means Progress. The Community Vetting process informs the program, so that its development is in partnership with community and businesses. This collaborative process determines how new items and service providers are added to the initiative. See “What is the Community Vetting Process?” for more information.

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Is there a fee to join?

There is no fee to become a Portland Means Progress business.

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Service Providers

My non-profit provides work experience / diversity, equity & inclusion training and/or small business support services. How do I get on the list as a vetted service provider?

Provide your information on the Join Us page if you would like to receive updates about the provider selection process or are interested in participating as a service provider.

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How did you select the service providers for the initial program opening?

To facilitate effective implementation of the initiative, we chose existing programs managed by Worksystems and the Contingent. The City of Portland invests annually in these programs – which provide underrepresented youth with paid, meaningful work experience. These programs have access to a ready pipeline of program participants, provide employer/workplace vetting, and participant preparation and vetting.

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What mechanisms are in place to support a positive experience for youth and businesses through the work experience action?

The existing programs managed by Worksystems and the Contingent include requirements for businesses to have made preparations before hosting a student worker, including having an assigned supervisor and/or mentor for the youth and a documented job or project description. The programs also include individualized matching between the employer and youth, as well as check-ins throughout the work experience.

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Business Eligibility

Who can participate in this initiative?

Portland Means Progress is open to businesses and organizations of all sizes, with the following eligibility requirements: pay a minimum wage of $15 / hour for all employees and commit to taking at least one of the actions required through the initiative. Those companies with student workers must pay at least the current minimum wage for the City of Portland metro area.

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My organization is a government agency / non-profit. Are we eligible to participate?

Yes! Government agencies and non-profits can participate as Portland Means Progress “businesses” if you meet the minimum pay requirements for all your employees and take the actions required through the initiative.

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I’m a small business owner and don’t currently have the financial resources to engage in Portland Means Progress, but I want to be involved. What resources are there?

Prosper Portland has programs intended to support small traded sector businesses in providing work experiences and equity training, including the Small Business Internship Grant and the Inspiring Diversity Grant. Worksystems will also be providing limited opportunities for sponsored internships through the SummerWorks program for Portland Means Progress businesses. Contact us to learn more.

Also consider engaging in the Intentional Purchasing action. Businesses can set a stretch target to start procuring more goods and services from entrepreneurs of color. This target percentage of spending is based on what is feasible for your organization, and as your company grows, you can increase your spending with these businesses.

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Is there a minimum or maximum size for businesses to be eligible for Portland Means Progress?

No! Companies of all sizes are welcome to engage in this initiative, as long as all employees in Portland are paid at least $15/hour.

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My company pays a minimum $15/hour for all employees except our student workers, who are paid slightly less than $15/hour. Does this make us ineligible for the program?

You are eligible for the program! The minimum pay threshold of $15/hour is focused on employees working in Portland, excluding student workers. Student workers (i.e. interns) must be paid at least the current minimum wage for the City of Portland metro area. If you engage students at your worksite for educational programming with a stipend or if your student work experience is unique, please contact us so we can verify your eligibility.

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Why is the minimum threshold $15/hour?

By July 2022, the minimum wage for the City of Portland metro area will be $14.75 by law. Portland Means Progress is encouraging companies to do better and be better. We believe paying a higher wage to all your employees as soon as possible is a good start.

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What support is available to companies who don’t currently pay the minimum of $15/hour across the organization, but want to be engaged?

Portland Means Progress will focus initially on businesses that commit to the actions of the initiative. However, we plan to develop assistance for companies that want to implement career pathways and internal trainings to help their employees increase skills for increased pay. To learn more, please contact us.

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Can tips be included to reach the minimum threshold of $15/hour?

The minimum threshold of $15/hour can include tips only if all employees at your business, including back of house kitchen staff and other positions that may not directly receive tips, make at least $15/hour on average over every pay period. All staff must make this minimum threshold within one year of hire and within one year of a business joining Portland Means Progress.

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Community Engagement

What is the Community Vetting process?

Portland Means Progress has been developed in partnership with existing community advisory groups. The Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) has been critical in the development of Portland Means Progress. The CEA has approximately forty members who are leaders from business, non-profits, chambers, government, foundations, colleges, universities, and unions. The CEA identified the initial actions for Portland Means Progress and advises the initiative on updates to the actions, metrics and measurement, and the threshold for engagement.

Prosper Portland’s Council for Economic and Racial Equity (CERE) has been deeply engaged in informing Portland Means Progress. CERE is a group of individuals who have unique skills, experience, and expertise in the development and implementation of equitable economic development. CERE advises Portland Means Progress on the Culture Change component of the initiative, as well as on how to ensure that communities of color are centered in decision making for all actions and commitments.

Portland Means Progress is a collaborative effort among the fourteen Portland Means Progress Project Partners, which includes all of the business chambers in the City of Portland. (See the About Us page for more information on the partners) The Project Partners support the development of Portland Means Progress, recruit businesses, and support the infrastructure behind the initiative.

Lastly, the initiative has been informed by discussions with community-based organizations, businesses, and equity practitioners. We will continue this community engagement by working with the CEA, CERE, and the Project Partners on an ongoing basis to advise and influence future updates and development of the initiative.

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How can I get involved with decisions around the evolution of the program?

Please send us your information on the Join Us page, and we will add you to our email list to be informed of community engagement events.

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Action Requirements

My business has a presence beyond the City of Portland – does that affect the requirements for us to be a Portland Means Progress Business?

The Portland Means Progress initiative is focused on creating meaningful change in Portland, so the requirements and actions are designed to take place within Portland. We applaud businesses that take these actions across your organization, regardless of location, but this is not a requirement to be a Portland Means Progress business.

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My company has its own internal internship program and it’s great! Will it meet the requirements of the work experience action even though it’s not through a vetted service provider?

An established internal work experience or internship program may be eligible to meet this requirement. If your existing program provides a paid work experience that is focused on communities of color or underserved populations, please email us and provide your information so we can discuss in more detail.

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My company does internships, but not through one of the vetted service providers. Why doesn’t this count for Portland Means Progress?

At this stage, we are working directly through the listed service providers only, or with businesses with large internal internship programs. This allows us to verify that the internships taking place align to the goals and target outcomes of Portland Means Progress.

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For small business support for businesses owned by people of color, are we able to use self-certified minority-owned companies?

Portland Means Progress does not require companies to be certified as minority-owned. For example, we encourage purchasing from companies listed on the Mercatus directory, which are self-certified. If your company procures from a business that you know is owned by a person or people of color, this would also qualify. Please encourage this business to join Mercatus and/or COBID so others can find them.

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Are we required to procure goods and services from small businesses within a specific geographic location?

Small businesses receiving support through Portland Means Progress must be located in the State of Oregon and/or Clark County to qualify as fulfilling your action. This is to focus the support on local small businesses.

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For the Intentional Purchasing action, are we required to procure goods and services from businesses of a specific size?

Any business owned by a person of color located in the State of Oregon and/or Clark County qualifies for the Intentional Purchasing action.

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Does any MWESB (Minority-owned, Women-owned, or Emerging Small Business) certified business qualify for the Intentional Purchasing action?

Not necessarily - the focus of this action is businesses owned by people of color, so only MWESB businesses that are minority-owned would qualify.

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When do commitments need to be completed and reported?

Actions are required during each calendar year, with reporting due in February of the following year.

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